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《中英對照讀新聞》Spain’s ruling conservatives win election but lose grip on majority 西班牙執政保守派贏得選舉,但失去多數地位

2015/12/28 06:00


Spain was plunged into political instability on Monday after voters frustrated with corruption and economic woes dealt a crippling blow to the ruling conservative party, opening the way for deadlock over the formation of a new government.


The country now faces a leadership void and the possibility of a fresh election in the spring after the Popular Party of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy was reduced to just 123 seats in the 350-strong Congress, far short of the 176 it needs for a majority.


The two traditional parties of government both suffered their worst results in decades as voters turned in droves to new grassroots movements amid a series of corruption scandals which have rocked the political establishment.


Although the PP still ran out a winner with 29 per cent of the total vote, it was the conservatives’ worst result for over 25 years.



grip:名詞,控制、掌握。例句:The government tightened their grip on major cities.(政府加強對主要大城市的控制。)

deal a blow to something/somebody:動詞片語,使(某事、某人)受挫、破滅。例句:The latest global stock market crash has dealt a blow to hopes of economic recovery.(最新這波全球股市崩盤使經濟復甦希望破滅。)

droves:名詞(複數形),(移動的)群體或人群。例句:People came in droves to buy the latest iPhone model.(人們蜂擁前來購買最新款iPhone。)

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