《中英對照讀新聞》Texas town tries to corral emus on the loose 德州小鎮試著把在逃的鴯鶓關回畜欄裡
Police in Round Rock tried for hours on Thursday to corral four emus on the loose that have been roaming through a residential area in the Austin, Texas, suburb and evading capture, a spokeswoman said.
"It has been one of those days," Round Rock police spokeswoman Angelique Myers said.
The owner apparently has been identified but police are still not sure how the emus made their way to streets in the city of about 110,000 people, she said.
"These animals are considered feral fowl. If you see an emu, do not feed it or try to contain it. These animals can be very dangerous. They are considered wildlife and should be left alone," Round Rock police wrote on their Facebook page.
Police have set up roadblocks to corral the animals, or steer them away from places where people are. (Reuters)
on the loose:片語,指危險份子在逃、未受管制的、行為不受限制、放蕩散漫。例句:He is on the loose.(他生活散漫。)
one of those days:指日子不順、問題百出。例句:Everything goes wrong today - it is just one of those days!(今天什麼都出錯,有夠不順!)
make way:片語,指進展、前進。例句:Is your project making way?(你的計畫有進展嗎?)
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