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《中英對照讀新聞》Prisoner surfs out of Norway jail 囚犯以衝浪板逃離挪威監獄

2015/09/02 06:00


A convicted sex offender has escaped from a Norwegian island prison on a surf board, using a plastic shovel to paddle to the mainland, officials said on Wednesday.


The Bastoy low-security prison, famous for organic farming and allowing inmates to watch movies, go cycling and use local beaches, has no fences and is often held up as the ultimate symbol of Norway’s emphasis on humane incarceration policies.


The inmate, a man in his mid 20s, was not considered a danger to the general public. He went missing during the night, and a surf board and shovel belonging to the prison were found on the shore of the mainland about three kilometers away.


With serial killers, rapists and drug traffickers typically among the criminals serving on the island, doing farm work, cooking and other practical tasks, the emphasis of the prison is to prepare them for an eventual return to normal life.


The small, picturesque island is connected via a dozen daily ferry departures, mainly for employees and visitors. Escapes, are rare, and when an escapee is caught it’s unlikely he will be allowed to return to Bastoy. "There’s no return ticket if you run away," prison chief Tom Eberhardt said. (Reuters)



picturesque:形容詞,如畫的、別具一格的、生動的。例如:a picturesque description(生動的描述)。

suit:動詞,適合、適宜。例句:She is not suited to be a teacher.(她不適合為人師表。)

hold up:片語,舉為範例。例句:I used to hold her up as an example to emulate.(過去我常以她為學習榜樣。)

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