中英對照讀新聞》Women’s World Cup final draws record U.S. TV audience 世界盃女足決賽吸引創紀錄美國收視觀眾
The Women’s World Cup final between the United States and Japan attracted a record U.S. television soccer audience, while Japanese viewing figures were higher than when they won the tournament in 2011.
Sunday’s game, which capped a month-long tournament played in six Canadian cities, was the most watched soccer match of all time in the United States as 25.4 million Americans tuned in to watch their team’s 5-2 triumph, FIFA said in a statement.
The American audience for the game was 39 percent higher than the previous high set in 2014 when 18.2 million tuned in for the group stage match between the U.S. men’s team and Portugal at the World Cup in Brazil.
It was also 41 percent higher than the previous record for a women’s soccer match, which was set in 2011 when the United States lost to Japan on penalties in that year’s World Cup final.
FIFA also said an average audience of 11.6 million in Japan tuned in for the match, an 18 percent increase on the figures achieved during the 2011 final.
draw:動詞,吸引、招來、獲取;又可指描寫、拉長、引出等。例句:The university draws students from around the world.(這間大學吸引來自世界各地的學生。)
triumph:名詞,大勝利、成功、喜悅;動詞指獲得勝利、成功。例句:The party was a triumph.(這個派對非常成功。)
set:動詞,在此指創下(紀錄),亦可指設置、校正、使成形、放(火)等。例句:set a world record(創下世界紀錄);set the record straight(片語,指以正視聽、澄清事實)。
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