《中英對照讀新聞》These Dogs Were Scheduled To Die. But A Hug Changed Everything 這些狗大限將屆。但一個擁抱改變一切
Two dogs were scheduled to die -- set to be euthanized as they reached their deadline for adoption on Monday at a shelter in Georgia.
But Kala and Keira were saved at the last minute after a photo of them hugging went viral on social media.
The moving image, posted on Facebook Monday morning by Angels Among Us Pet Rescue was accompanied by a note written as if it were from Kala’s perspective as the clock counted down their final hours:
"Keira knows what will happen. You can see it in her eyes. She’s putting on a brave face for sure but I can feel her heart beating fast while I’m clinging to her. If no one saves us, someone will take her away from me. I’ll see her as she goes down the hallway. She won’t come back and I’ll cry. They’ll come for me next and I won’t be as brave. We’ve comforted each other while we were here. She gave me hope when I had none. Now it’s over. Unless... "
The message, together with the heartbreaking image of the two dogs -- behind bars, hugging as if they really did know their lives were on the line -- deeply moved netizens, who rushed to share the Facebook post.
The attention that the post garnered ended up saving the dogs’ lives. Two hours and six minutes after the photo was first posted, Kala and Keira had been saved.
go viral:造成轟動、爆紅。例句:He is hopping his pet’s cute photos will go viral on line.(他希望他寵物的可愛照片在網路上引發轟動。)
put on a brave face:假裝勇敢、故作鎮定。例句:She didn’t get the promotion she was expecting, but she put on a brave face.(她沒有獲得預期的晉升,但她假裝若無其事。)
be on the line:岌岌可危。例句:Their marriage is on the line.(他們的婚姻岌岌可危。)
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