《中英對照讀新聞》Stuffed tiger strapped to SUV prompts 911 call in Washington state 綁在休旅車上的老虎公仔 在華盛頓州促使民眾報案
Police in Washington state said on Wednesday they had responded to an emergency call about a Bengal tiger lounging on top of a car, but it turned out the cat was actually a big stuffed animal.
A concerned citizen called 911 on Monday after seeing what appeared to be a live tiger riding atop a sport utility vehicle at Lacamas Lake, a popular recreation area, according to police in the city of Camas.
According to the Columbian newspaper, Connor Zuvich, 19, of Vancouver, Washington, had found the stuffed tiger among some trash bags at the lake and decided to strap it to the top of his black SUV.
He told the newspaper that he has kept the tiger on his truck since the 911 call, often to the delight of other motorists. (Reuters)
strap:動詞,用帶子綑綁。例句:Please strap these two parcels together.(請將這兩個小包綁在一起)
on top of:慣用語,在…之上;引申意義:除…之外、成功勝利。例句:On top of being dull, she’s unfriendly.(她除了笨,還很不友善。)
to the delight of someone:慣用語,令…感到高興。
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