《中英對照讀新聞》Eiffel Tower shut as staff walk out over pickpockets 員工為抗議扒手而罷工 艾菲爾鐵塔因而關閉
Paris’s iconic Eiffel Tower was shut to tourists on Friday as staff walked off the job to protest a surge in gangs of pickpockets roaming around the monument.
The closure of one of the busiest tourist attractions in the French capital ahead of a long holiday weekend recalls a similar strike at the Louvre museum in 2013 as staff protested against the often violent pickpockets stalking the halls of the palace.
Workers at the 126-year-old iron lattice tower -- a glittering symbol of Paris -- said in a statement they had chosen to down tools due to an "increase in pickpockets around the Eiffel Tower and several threats and assaults."
roam:動詞,漫遊,閒逛。例句:After the pubs close, gangs of youths roam the city streets.(夜店關門後,成群年輕人在街上遊蕩。)
stalk:動詞,跟蹤,尾隨。例句:The police had been stalking the woman for a week before they arrested her.(警方逮捕那女人之前,已經跟蹤她一週了。)
down tools:片語,(尤指因對工資或工作條件不滿)罷工。例句: Thousands of Krakow steelworkers downed tools to demand more pay.(克拉科夫數千名鋼鐵工人罷工,要求加薪。)
《中英對照讀新聞 》Emotional Cornet wins for Charlie Hebdo victims 激動的科內特為查理週刊犧牲者而贏
央視前主播 拍片批中國霾害
台灣燈會遊程與展演 邀您暢遊桃園
維基解密再爆 美監聽法國3任總統
法國大罷工 巴黎鐵塔暫關閉
地段稀缺價值 愛河灣景觀輕豪宅受寵
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美國會提案撤銷中國最惠國待遇 戰略產品最低關稅100%
美共和黨眾議員提案修憲 允許川普尋求第三任期
民主剛果衝突加劇 西方國家促公民撤離果瑪市
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川普促中國 施壓普廷停戰
已死逾千人 北韓兵力軍火再援俄