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    《中英對照讀新聞》French tourists arrested for nude photos at Cambodia’s Angkor 法國觀光客在柬埔寨的吳哥拍裸照被捕

    2015/04/16 06:00


    Three French tourists in their early twenties have been arrested by Cambodian authorities for taking nude photos of each other inside the country’s famed Angkor temple complex, officials said Friday.


    The male tourists were discovered inside the Banteay Kdei temple at the world heritage site on Thursday, Chau Sun Kerya, spokeswoman for the Apsara Authority -- the government agency managing the Angkor complex -- told AFP. "The temple is a worship site and their behaviour is inappropriate. They were nude," she said.

    吳哥暨暹粒地區保護管理局(Apsara Authority)——管理吳哥區的政府機構——女發言人Chau Sun Kerya告訴法新社,這些男遊客被發現週四在世界遺產吳哥窟的斑黛喀蒂神廟內拍攝裸照。她說:「寺廟是祭拜的地方,他們的行為不當。他們光著身體。」

    Keat Bunthan, a senior heritage police official in northwestern Siem Reap province, confirmed the nationalities of the arrested and said many Cambodians would be offended by the tourists’ actions.

    柬埔寨西北部暹粒省的資深遺產警官Keat Bunthan,證實被捕遊客的國籍,並表示這些遊客的行為冒犯許多柬埔寨人。

    "Their activities affect our culture. Nobody should take nude pictures at ancient temples," he told AFP.



    nationality:名詞,國籍。例句:What nationality are you?(你是哪個國家的人?)

    offend:動詞,冒犯,惹惱。例句:I think she was a bit offended that she hadn’t been invited to the party.(沒有邀請她參加聚會,我覺得她有點生氣。)

    affect:動詞,影響,侵襲。例句:Both buildings were badly affected by the fire.(兩座大樓都在大火中嚴重毀損。)

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