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《中英對照讀新聞》Godzilla appointed Tokyo resident and tourism ambassador 哥吉拉被任命為東京居民及觀光大使

2015/06/14 06:00

◎ 顧佳欣

Godzilla has stomped so many buildings in Japan that the irradiated monster was appointed special resident and tourism ambassador for Tokyo’s Shinjuku ward.


A Godzilla-size head towering 52-meters above ground level was unveiled Thursday at an office of Toho, the Japanese studio behind the 1954 original. Toho is shooting a comeback film this year after a decade-long hiatus.


Japan is hoping the biggest star in this nation’s movie history will help lure tourists during a market-opening strategy launched by the prime minister.


Over the years, Godzilla has demolished Tokyo Tower, Rainbow Bridge, the Parliament building and several castles in Japan, as well as Golden Gate Bridge and other chunks of San Francisco in the Hollywood version.


Shinjuku, known for its down-home bars and noodle restaurants, has not been spared, flattened in three Toho movies. If Godzilla chooses to return, it can now stomp on its own giant head.



stomp:動詞,重踏、重踩、跺腳。例句:The fans were stomping their feet and singing.(粉絲們跺腳並高聲唱歌。)

lure:動詞,吸引、引誘;名詞指吸引力、誘惑。例句:An beautiful window display can help to lure shoppers into the store.(一個漂亮的櫥窗可以幫助吸引客戶進店。)

spare:動詞,節約、赦免、免去。例句:We spare no expense.(我們不惜工本。)

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