《中英對照讀新聞》92-year-old seeks to become oldest woman to finish marathon 92歲阿嬤力圖成為跑完馬拉松的最年長女性
A 92-year-old cancer survivor is seeking to become the oldest woman to finish a marathon.
Harriette Thompson of Charlotte, North Carolina, is competing in the Rock `n’ Roll Marathon in San Diego that began Sunday morning.
“I have no idea if I’m going to be able to do it, but I’m going to try,’’ Thompson said at a news conference on Friday.
It will be her 16th time running it, and last year she set a record when she finished the race in 7 hours, 7 minutes and 42 seconds, beating the previous record for a woman 90 or older by more than an hour and a half.
Thompson is a two-time cancer survivor who dealt with the loss of her husband and a staph infection in her legs while training for this year’s race.
A classically trained pianist who played three times at Carnegie Hall, Thompson says she mentally plays old piano pieces she had performed to help her get through the 42.2 kilometers.
The oldest woman to complete a marathon was Gladys Burrill, who was 92 years and 19 days old when she finished the 2010 Honolulu Marathon. Thompson will be 92 years and 65 days old on Sunday, according to race organizers. (AP)
根據比賽主辦單位,完成馬拉松路跑最年長女性是葛蕾迪絲.布里爾,2010年她跑完檀香山馬拉松時高齡92歲又16天,湯普森在週日將是92歲又65天。( 美聯社)
have no idea:片語,料想不到、毫無所知。例句:He had no idea what was likely to happen next.(他無法預料接下來會發生什麼狀況。)
deal with:片語,對付、對待、處理。例句:She deals with all the inquiries.(所有的詢問事項都由她處理。)
get through:片語,完成、用光、吃(喝)完。例句:He had got through all his money.(他花光所有的錢。)
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