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《中英對照讀新聞》Candidate died in 2012, but his name might be on 2015 ballot 候選人已於2012年死亡,但大名可能現身2015年選票

2015/05/29 06:00


Perennial candidate Gatewood Galbraith died in 2012, but that might not stop his name from appearing on the 2015 ballot for Kentucky governor.


No, he’s not running from beyond the grave.


Terrill Wayne Newman, 68, of Pulaski County legally changed his name on Tuesday to Gatewood Galbraith before filing paperwork Wednesday to run as an independent for the state’s highest office.


The Secretary of State’s office says independent candidates must obtain 5,000 signatures from registered voters by Aug. 11 to get their names on the general election ballot.


Newman told the Lexington Herald-Leader he doesn’t expect to be elected but, "I sure do hope this warms Gatewood’s grave." (AP)




stop someone from doing something:慣用語,禁止某人去做某事。例句:He couldn’t stop himself from eating.(他止不住地狂吃。)

legally:副詞,法律上;合法地。例句:The authorities will be legally bound to arrest any suspects.(當局依法必須逮捕任何嫌犯。)

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