《中英對照讀新聞》Woman’s appeal for kidney donor on car window pays off 婦女寫在車窗上的捐腎懇求奏效
A Maine woman’s unusual method of finding a kidney donor has paid off.
The Portland Press Herald reports that Christine Royles of South Portland was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease which led to kidney failure in December 2013.
She went on the national waiting list to find a donor, but decided to take matters into her own hands. She painted an appeal on the rear window of her car, along with a phone number.
Josh Dall-Leighton, a 30-year-old corrections officer from Windham and a father of three, saw the message on a trip to the Maine Mall with his family. He called.
The stranger has been classified as a potential match and the surgery is set for May. Royles calls Josh’s generosity "unbelievable.’’ (AP)
pay off:片語,得到好結果、成功、奏效。例句:The effort pays off in the long run.(這種努力最終會得到好結果。)
take matters into one’s own hands:慣用語,(該解決問題者不處理,因此)自己處理問題。例句:We felt strongly that the trade pact could hurt our workers. We decided to take the matter into our own hands.(我們強烈認為該貿易協定可能傷害我們的勞工。我們決定自力救濟。)
set:動詞,安排。例句:Everything was set according to schedule.(一切都按照時間表準備就緒。)
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