《中英對照讀新聞》AP president: Killing of journalists should be a war crime美聯社總裁:殺害記者應屬戰爭罪行
The president and CEO of The Associated Press called for changes to international laws that would make it a war crime to kill journalists or take them hostage.
Gary Pruitt said a new framework is needed to protect journalists as they cover conflicts in which they are increasingly seen as targets by extremist groups. "It used to be that when media wore PRESS emblazoned on their vest, or PRESS or MEDIA was on their vehicle, it gave them a degree of protection’’ because reporters were seen as independent civilians telling the story of the conflict, Pruitt said. "But guess what: That labeling now is more likely to make them a target,’’ he said.
普魯伊特指出,記者採訪戰亂新聞時,亟需保護其安全的新架構;他們在相關採訪中,越來越被極端主義組織當成攻擊目標。「過去媒體穿上寫有『記者』 的背心,或車體有『記者、新聞媒體』字樣,可獲得某種程度的保護」,因為記者被當作是傳達戰亂真相的獨立平民,普魯伊特說。「但猜猜怎麼著?現在這種標記更可能讓他們淪為目標,」他表示。
Last year was a particularly deadly year for the AP -- four of the news cooperative’s journalists were killed on assignment. Globally, 61 journalists were killed in the line of duty in 2014, bringing to more than 1,000 the number who have died since 1992.
One of the most high profile killings was that of AP photographer Anja Niedringhaus, who was shot by a police officer while covering elections in Afghanistan. Two other AP staff_videographer Simone Camilli and translator Ali Shehda Abu Afash were killed in Gaza when an unexploded missile went off. In addition, AP photographer Franklin Reyes Marrero died in a car accident while returning from an assignment in Cuba. (AP)
used to(接原形動詞):片語,(現已不存在的)過去習慣。例句:I used to drive to work, but now I take MRT.(以前我開車上班,現在改搭捷運。)
in the line of duty:片語,執勤時。例句:Police officers have to do things they may not like in the line of duty.(警察執行公務時,必須去做他們或許不喜歡的事。)
go off:片語,爆炸、發生巨響。例句:The alarm would go off at 7 o’clock.(鬧鐘7點將鈴聲大作。)
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