《中英對照讀新聞》Gay groups march at last in Boston St. Patrick’s Day parade 同性戀團體最終參與波士頓的聖派翠克節遊行
Boston’s St.Patrick’s Day parade has made history as two gay and lesbian groups were welcomed by the organizers after decades of opposition.
The gay military veterans group OutVets and gay rights group Boston Pride joined Sunday’s parade at the invitation of the sponsoring South Boston Allied War Veterans Council.
Twenty years ago, parade organizers won a U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding their right to invite or exclude marchers. Boston’s mayors had boycotted the event since 1995.
However, Mayor Marty Walsh marched this year, ending a two-decade mayoral boycott over the gay rights issue. Republican Gov. Charlie Baker also marched, along with Democratic U.S. Rep. Seth Moulton, a former Marine and Iraq War veteran.
Some Roman Catholic groups including the Knights of Columbus said they wouldn’t participate because they felt the parade had been politicized. (AP)
parade:名詞,遊行。例句:After the team won the championship, the city had a parade for them.(在那支球隊贏得冠軍後,這座城市為他們舉辦遊行。)
uphold:動詞,支持。例句:We uphold the principle of racial equality.(我們支持種族平等原則。)
boycott:動詞,聯合抵制,拒絕參加。例句:We boycotted companies that were polluting the environment.(我們抵制污染環境的公司。)
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