《中英對照讀新聞》Bedtime has huge impact on sport 就寢時間對運動有巨大影響
Our internal body clock has such a dramatic impact on sporting ability that it could alter the chances of Olympic gold, say researchers. Early risers reached their athletic peak around lunchtime, while night owls were best in the evening.
The body clock controls everything - from alertness to the risk of a heart attack - in a daily rhythm.
Some aspects of sporting ability were thought to peak in early afternoon but a study in the journal Current Biology suggests each competitor’s sleeping habits have a powerful impact.
Lead researcher Dr Roland Brandstaetter told the BBC News website: "Athletes and coaches would benefit greatly if they knew when optimal or suboptimal performance time was."
dramatic:劇烈的。例句:We usually prefer gradual and mild change to sudden and dramatic change.(我們通常比較希望逐步且溫和的改變,而非突然且急遽的改變。)
alertness:名詞,機敏、機警。例句:I’m not feeling very alert today - not enough sleep last night!(今天我感覺特別遲鈍——昨晚沒睡好!)
optimal (=optimum):形容詞,最佳的、最適宜的。例句:A mixture of selected funds is an optimum choice for future security and return on investment.(同時選擇數種基金是未來投資安全與收益的最佳選擇。)
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