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《中英對照讀新聞》Job authority spells depression for women: study 研究:工作權威讓女性憂鬱

2014/12/18 06:00


Women in authority appear to be more vulnerable to depression than their male counterparts, a study by sociologists in the United States said.


Researchers looked into 1,500 middle-aged women from Wisconsin and compared their workplace experiences with 1,300 men in the same age bracket from the same US state.


They found that women with job authority -- the ability to hire, fire and influence pay -- exhibited significantly more symptoms of depression than those who did not.


"In contrast, men with job authority have fewer symptoms of depression than men without such power," said University of Texas sociology professor Tetyana Pudrovska, who led the study.


The difference might be due to women with authority in the workplace being judged negatively when acting with confidence and assertiveness, prompting chronic stress, Pudrovska said.



spell:動詞,招致。例句:The new regulations could spell disaster for small businesses.(新規定對小企業來說可能意謂災難。)

bracket:名詞,類別、等級。例句:Her pay rise brought her into a new tax bracket.(她的薪水漲了,繳稅時也會進入新的級距。)

assertiveness:名詞,果敢、斷定。形容詞為assertive。例句:If you really want the promotion, you’ll have to be more assertive.(如果你真的想升職,就要更果敢地說出來。)

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