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《中英對照讀新聞》Female circumcision heightens childbirth risks 女性割禮提高生產危險

2006/06/08 06:00


Female circumcision, performed on as many as 3 million girls each year, complicates childbirth later in life and causes higher mortality among their babies, the World Health Organisation said.


In a new report, the United Nations agency said women who had undergone the practice, also known as female genital mutilation, were up to 70 percent more vulnerable to potentially fatal haemorrhage after delivery than those who had not.


Its study, involving some 28,000 women at obstetric centres in six African countries where the practice is common, said babies born to circumcised women were as much as 55 percent more likely to die during or immediately after childbirth.


Up to 20 out of every 1,000 babies born in Africa die as a direct result of their mothers’ circumcision, the WHO said.


About 100 million women worldwide are estimated to have undergone genital mutilation, which can involve cutting away the clitoris and external genitalia and stitching the vaginal opening in order to reduce women's sexual appetite.


Girls generally undergo the rite before the age of 10,often without anaesthesia and in unsanitary conditions where they are exposed to dangerous infections including HIV.



female circumcision:割除女性外陰部的習俗。circumcision 泛指割禮;割除包皮(外陰部)手術,動詞為circumcise。

haemorrhage:大量失血。post-partum haemorrhage即產後血崩。

HIV:Human Immunodeficiency Virus 的縮寫,亦即愛滋病毒。

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