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《中英對照讀新聞》Bangladesh to Resume Polio Vaccinations 孟加拉將恢復小兒麻痺疫苗接種

2006/04/28 06:00

◎ 陳成良

Bangladesh will vaccinate about 18 million children aged 5 and under against polio, which has re-emerged after a five-year absence, the country、s health minister said.


The national vaccination campaign starts Sunday and ends in June, Minister Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain told reporters.


Bangladesh carried out extensive vaccination programs from 1995-2004, with the last polio case reported in August 2000, according to the government and the World Health Organization.


But the country、s efforts to be declared polio-free were thwarted when 9-year-old Rahima Akhter was recently paralyzed by the waterborne disease in the eastern district of Chandpur.


WHO says polio is still endemic in India, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan.


The virus invades the nervous system and can cause irreversible paralysis. It spreads when people-mostly children under 5-who are not vaccinated come into contact with the feces of those with the virus, often through water.



vaccinate:注射疫苗,常在要預防的疾病名稱之前加上against,例句:People are vaccinated against measles.(人們接種麻疹疫苗。)名詞為vaccination。

absence:名詞,不在;缺席。She never speaks ill of anyone in his or her absence. (她從不在背後說別人的壞話)。absence of mind 即「心不在焉」。


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