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《中英對照讀新聞》Could an earlier lunchtime help you lose weight? 提早吃午餐有助減重?

2013/02/21 06:00


Want to lose weight? Eating lunch earlier rather than later may help you out. Dieters who ate early lunches tended to lose more weight than those who had their midday meal on the later side, according to a Spanish study.


The finding doesn’t prove that bumping up your lunch hour will help you shed that extra weight, but it is possible that eating times play a role in how the body regulates its weight, researchers said.


Research included 420 people attending nutrition clinics in southeast Spain. Along with going to regular group therapy sessions with nutrition and exercise counseling, dieters recorded their food and reported on their daily physical activity. About half of the people said they ate lunch before 3:00 p.m. and half after. Over 20 weeks of counseling, early and late lunchers ate a similar amount of food, and burned a similar amount of calories through daily activities.


However, early eaters lost an average of 10 kilograms - just over 11 percent of their starting weight - while late eaters dropped 7.7 kg, or nine percent of their initial weight.



help sb out:片語,幫某人擺脫麻煩。例句:Her parents helped(her)out with a £500 loan.(她的父母用500英鎊貸款幫了她。)

along with:片語,與…一起、在…以外。例句:I ate some chocolates along with some fruit.(我吃了一點巧克力還有水果。)

over:介係詞,在…期間。例句:I was in Seattle over the summer.(夏天我人在西雅圖。)

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