《中英對照讀新聞》WWII pigeon message stumps GCHQ decoders 二次世界大戰信鴿訊息難倒英國政府通信總部解碼員
Britain’s top code-breakers say they are stumped by a secret code found on the leg of a dead pigeon.
The remains of the bird were found in a chimney in Surrey with a message from World War II attached.
Experts at the intelligence agency GCHQ have been struggling to decipher the message since they were provided with it.
The message was discovered by David Martin when he was renovating the chimney of his house in Surrey.
Among the rubbish, he found parts of a dead pigeon including a leg. Attached to the leg was a red canister. Inside the canister was a thin piece of paper with the words "Pigeon Service" at the top and 27 handwritten blocks of code.
"We didn’t really hold out any hopes we would be able to read the message because the sort of codes that were constructed to be used during operations were designed only to be able to be read by the senders and the recipients," said GCHQ historian Tony, who asked that only his first name be used.
And without fresh information this pigeon may well have taken its secret to the grave.
stump:動詞(非正式用語),使困惑、難倒。例句:I was stumped by your questions.(你的問題難倒我了。)
decipher:動詞,破解、解譯(密碼),解讀(艱澀難懂的文字)。例句:Archaeologists try to decipher the Mayan script to better understand the ancient civilization.(考古學家試圖解譯馬雅文字以深入了解這個古老文明。)
hold out:動詞片語,提供(援助、承諾),抱持、保有(希望),堅持。例句:The rescue teams still hold out hope of finding more survivors.(救難隊仍抱著找到更多生還者的希望。)
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