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《中英對照讀新聞》Norwegian woman "in heaven" as beer flows from water tap 啤酒從水龍頭流出,一名挪威婦女宛若「置身天堂」

2006/03/23 06:00


Many a beer lover may dream of having free beer on tap at home. That dream came true over the weekend for Haldis Gundersen of the western Norwegian city of Kristiansund.


"I thought I was in heaven," Gundersen told the online edition of Verdens Gang after experiencing how beer flowed freely from every tap in her apartment.


Heaven turned out to be hell at the Big Tower Bar,located two floors under Gundersen’s apartment:Water,not beer,flowed out of their beer taps.

Brewery experts were summoned and discovered the cause of the fault.

"I was going to change beer tanks and of course I connected them wrongly," bar tender Ann-Mari Rande,31,said.


Gundersen,50,later admitted that the free beer flowing from her faucets did not taste all that good since it lacked its fizz (carbon dioxide).


Beer in Norway is among the most expensive in the world with a 0.4 litre costing about 50 crowns in a bar.



many a beer lover:許多啤酒愛好者,同many beer lovers。

come true:可置於表「夢想」等名詞之後,形成名詞片語,如:a dream come true (夢想成真)。例:Going to Hawaii was a dream come true for Al.(對艾爾來說,到夏威夷去真是美夢成真。)

turn out:片語,結果(是)、原來(是)、證明(是)。例句:To our surprise, the stranger turned out to be an old friend of my mother's.(讓我們驚訝的是,這位陌生人原來是我母親的老友。)

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