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《中英對照讀新聞》Paris takes the cake for priciest club sandwich 巴黎拿下最貴總匯三明治榜首

2012/05/24 06:00


Paris, the City of Lights, is also the city with the most expensive club sandwich in the world, according to a global survey released Wednesday by an online travel service.


Hotels.com said it price-checked club sandwiches at more than 750 hotels in 26 cities in Asia, Europe, North America and South America to help travelers size up the affordability of different national capitals.


The result? Paris topped the list with an average price of $33.10 for the iconic chicken, bacon, egg, lettuce and mayonnaise sandwich that’s a fixture on virtually every hotel restaurant and room-service menu.


Geneva placed second at $32.56, followed by Oslo at $30.50. New Delhi was cheapest at $9.57. "Paris may well be the gastronomic capital of the world, but travelers may be better off sticking to a croque-monsieur," Hotels.com spokeswoman Alison Couper said in a statement.(AFP)



take the cake:片語,榜首,可恥至極,也作:take the biscuit。例句:And you say she’s opening your letters now? Oh, that really takes the biscuit!(你說她現在會拆你的信?哦!那真是可恥至極。)

better off:片語,(經濟)狀況較好。例句:Obviously we’re better off now we’re both working.(現在我們都在工作,經濟狀況顯然比較好一點。)

size up:片語,評估。例句:The two cats walked in circles around each other, sizing each other up.(這2隻貓互相繞圈圈,打量著對方。)

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