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《中英對照讀新聞》Smoking ups risk of eye disease吸菸增加眼疾風險

2005/12/30 06:00

◎ 鄭寺音

Smoking cigarettes, or living with someone who does, increases a person's risk of developing a progressively degenerative eye disease known as age-related macular degeneration or AMD, according to a study conducted in the UK.


"Smoking puts you at increased risk of losing your sight in old age and the more you smoke the higher the risk," Dr. John Yates from the University of Cambridge said. "Smoking also increases the risk for the people living with you. So these are two good reasons to stop smoking."


Yates and others studied 435 people with advanced AMD and 280 partners who lived with them. They used a detailed questionnaire to gather information on their smokinghistory.

葉慈與研究團隊其他成員,調查了435名老年性黃斑病變嚴重的病患,以及與他們一同生活的 280名伴侶。他們以詳細的問卷,蒐集有關他們吸菸史的資訊。

The team reports in the British Journal of Ophthalmology that the more a person smoked, the greater the odds of developing AMD. People who smoked a pack or more a day for 40 years had triple the risk of developing the eye disease compared with those who did not smoke.




degenerative:形容詞,退化的。動詞為degenerate。例句:Educational standards are degenerating year by year because of a lack of funds.(由於缺乏資金,教育水準一年比一年差。)

odds:名詞,可能性,機率。例句:The odds on her surviving are very slim.(她存活的機率很低。)

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