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《中英對照讀新聞》Kansas man collects 3 million child porn pictures 堪薩斯州男子蒐集3百萬張兒童色情照片

2011/06/21 06:00


A 74-year-old Kansas man collected more than 3 million child pornography photographs and traded them over the Internet, a federal prosecutor said.


Donald Schmidt of Wichita, Kan., pleaded guilty to one count of distributing child pornography and one count of possessing child pornography in U.S. District Court in Wichita on Monday.


In his plea, he admitted to swapping pictures of child pornography over the Internet via a peer-to-peer network.


Wichita police served a search warrant at Schmidt’s home earlier this year and found two computers hooked up to separate Internet service providers and 11 banker’s boxes containing boxes of CDs and DVDs.


Forensic analysis identified an estimated 3 million-plus images of child porn on the computers, external drives and disks, according to U.S. Attorney Barry Grissom.


Schmidt admitted that along with distributing the child pornography, he chatted online about molesting children.



swap:動詞,交換。例句:He swapped views with other people.(他與其他人交換看法。)

hook up:片語,連接、連上。例句:The telephone will be hooked up in a few days.(電話將在數天內裝好接通。)

molest:動詞,騷擾、調戲、猥褻等。例句:The girl complained that she had been molested in the park.(女孩抱怨在公園遭到調戲。)

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