《中英對照讀新聞》Facebook users crash ’public’ birthday party in Hamburg 漢堡「公開」生日派對 臉書用戶不請自來
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A 16-year-old german girl ditched her own party after around 1600 people showed up in a quiet Hamburg neighborhood on Friday, June 3, to celebrate her birthday.
The mistake began when the birthday girl, identified as Thessa, published an invitation meant to invite only a few friends over to her house. But she forgot to set the privacy settings on the Facebook invitation.
After over 15000 people responded confirming that they would attend the party, the girl’s parents promptly cancelled the party. The cancellation was to no avail, however, despite the party-pooper parents, by early evening on that day hundreds of young Germans from across Germany had already begun arriving.
The partygoers outside some carried posters saying "We love Thessa",and some even holding up signs asking "Where is Thessa?"
A police spokesman said the revelers was finally broken up at 1.55 am Saturday morning. One disappointed male, who wanted to give "Thessa" a birthday present, said that he would be back next year.
例句:You could be a party-pooper by crashing your ex-girlfriend’s party just like that.(你就這樣不請自來參加前女友的派對,有可能掃大家的興的。)
to(of)no/much avail:片語,沒有/很有 效果的。例句:Preaching him about his manner is to no avail.(為禮貌問題向他說教一點都沒有用。)
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