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《中英對照讀新聞》Penniless street singer wins first 'Bangladesh Idol' contest 身無分文的街頭歌手贏得首屆孟加拉偶像大賽

2005/12/27 06:00


A young slum-dweller who grew up singing on trains to support his sick mother has won Bangladesh's first music idol competition, scooping the top prize of 15,000 dollars along with a new car.


The seven-month-long competition, which attracted 40,000 entrants, is the country's own version of the US hit television talent show "American Idol."


Nolok Babu, 20, started singing in public after his father walked out on the family when he was nine.


He burst into tears as the host of the competition "Bangladesh Looks for You" declared him the winner.


He won the title, a prize of one million taka (15,000 US dollars)─a fortune in the impoverished country─and a new Nissan car.


Babu pulled in the 775,000 text message votes ─double the number received by his two closest competitors.



slum︰名詞,指貧民窟。例句︰Tom grew up in the slums of New York.(湯姆在紐約的貧民窟長大。)

to burst into ~︰片語,指突然…起來。例句︰She burst into laughter when a friend told a joke.(她在朋友講笑話時突然大笑。)

to walk out on︰片語,指捨棄、拋棄。例句︰he just walked out on his family without saying a word.(他一聲不響地離家出走。)

to pull in︰片語,吸引。例句︰The film pulled in large audience.(這部片子吸引大批觀眾。)

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