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《中英對照讀新聞》Sniffer dogs for hire to anxious parents 緝毒犬可供出租給愛兒心切的家長

2010/12/21 06:00


Worried parents can now hire out drug sniffer dogs to search their children’s bedrooms in a new service launched in the US.


Organisers of the Dogs Finding Drugs project say their highly trained dogs can detect even the tiniest whiff of drugs within seconds.


The $200-an-hour dogs can detect marijuana, heroin, cocaine and methamphetamines, as well as prescription drugs with trace amounts of those narcotics.


Anne Wills, who runs the non-profit organisation in Catonsville Maryland, says parents are clamouring for the service and she expects business to "explode."


"I know that when my kids were growing up, every once in a while I’d have liked to know what they were doing," she told the Baltimore Sun.



for hire:片語,供出租、供雇用。例句:You can get boats for hire here.(你在這裡可以租到小船。)

whiff:名詞,一點點、些許,或是(香菸、氣體等的)一吸。例句:He caught a whiff of her perfume.(他聞到一股她身上的香水味。)

every once in a while:片語,有時、偶爾。例句:I like a drink in the evening every once in a while.(我喜歡偶爾晚上喝一杯。)

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