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《中 對照讀新聞》US cables call Merkel the "Teflon" chancellor 美國使館電文稱梅克爾為「不沾鍋」總理

2010/12/19 06:00


German leader Angela Merkel brushed off reports in secret U.S. diplomatic cables that describe her as the "Teflon" chancellor as mere party chatter.


Most of what is said about Germany in the leaked U.S. Embassy cables released by the WikiLeaks website "is part of every better party and therefore we weren’t all that excited," Merkel told journalists.


The cables also describe her as risk-averse and seldom creative. In them, U.S. diplomats describe her as "Teflon" chancellor in an apparent reference to her ability to stay above the political fray --something that German commentators noted for years.


The content of some of the cables, however, appeared to have forced the sacking of the chief of staff of German foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle.


A spokesman for Westerwelle’s Free Democrats party said Helmut Metzner’s contract was terminated, days after it was disclosed he informed the U.S. Ambassador Philip Murphy about the content of the party’s coalition negotiations with Merkel’s conservative party following the 2009 elections.


German officials have repeatedly stressed that the leaked documents -- which described Merkel, foreign minister Guido Westerwelle and others in sometimes unflattering terms -- won’t damage the good working relationship with the U.S. on the long run.



Teflon:原指鐵弗龍材質製成的不沾鍋具,常引申為形容詞,用來嘲諷某人規避責任的能力,如the Teflon president(不沾鍋總統)。

brush off:不理會、摒棄某人或某事,如The prime minister brushed off that criticism, saying it was just talk.(首相對該項批評不予理會,他表示那純屬空談。)

above the fray:片語,指不捲入特定爭議、置身事外,常接在stay、keep或remain後使用,如The president will try to stay above the political fray.(總統會試著不捲入政治爭議中。)

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