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《中英對照讀新聞》My awful wedded wife! Couple met on ’ugly’ website to get married 我娶的醜老婆!「醜人」網站的情侶要結婚

2010/11/08 06:00


When Tom Clifford,36, and Janine Walker, 31, got together on a date, things could have turned very ugly. But instead things have turned out rather beautifully - because the couple - who share a love of junk food and TV dinners - have engaged after just four dates. They are due to get married in December.


Tom spotted Janine on website www.theuglybugball.com in late August. The specialist website offers "dating for the aesthetically challenged".


He was impressed by her and fired her off a cheeky email:"Dear Janine, Just seen your beautiful face on The Ugly Bug Ball and would love to meet up," "I’ve got a face that makes children cry but, as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder - and I think you’ll love me, too."


His words proved to be prophetic. It will be the site’s first wedding.


Tom said:"I’ve been a joke to women for years because of the way I look. I always thought I was too ugly to meet Mrs Right but my life changed when I met Janine."


A delighted Janine said:"I appreciate that Tom isn’t Brad Pitt, but then I’m no Angelina Jolie either." "To me Tom’s the perfect, handsome prince...I’m head over heels in love."



aesthetically challenged:俚語,用於指稱長相醜的人的委婉說法。其他類似用法如:horizontally challenged,在水平線上受挑戰的人,意指「胖子」,vertically challenged,垂直線上受挑戰的人,意指「矮子」。

be due to:片語,準備做某事,由於。例句:The mayor is due to express his support for the candidate in his speech.(市長準備在他演說中表態支持這名候選人。)

cheeky:形容詞,厚臉皮的、魯莽無禮的。例句:You are just awfully cheeky.(你太厚臉皮了。)

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