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《中英對照讀新聞》Bobcat’s goal︰ Take down Brutus Buckeye 「山貓」的目標:挫「布魯特斯.俄亥俄州人」的銳氣

2010/11/05 06:00


Turns out, the Bobcat had it in for the Buckeye all along.


"It was actually my whole plan to tackle Brutus when I tried out to be mascot," said Brandon Hanning, formerly known as Ohio University’s Rufus Bobcat. "I tried out about a year ago, and the whole reason I tried out was so I could come up here to Ohio State and tackle Brutus."


And that’s what he did Saturday, wrestling unsuspecting Brutus to the ground before 105,075 screaming college football fans at Ohio Stadium. Ohio State got even in the end, trampling the visiting team, 43-7.


The tussle led to an apology from Ohio University on Monday and the 19-year-old Hanning is banned from further affiliation with the school’s athletics department. Actually, he’s not even a student there anymore; he now attends nearby Hocking College.



take down:慣用語,滅威風,挫傲氣。例句:You really took him down during the debate.(你在辯論時狠狠滅了他的威風。)

have it in for (someone):慣用語(非正式用法),對某人心懷怨恨打算伺機報復。

Buckeye:名詞,七葉樹,俄亥俄州或俄亥俄州民的別稱。Brutus Buckeye是俄亥俄州立大學美式足球隊吉祥物的名字。

get even:慣用語,報復。例句:He swore he’d get even with anyone for hurting his family.(他發誓誰敢傷害他家人,他一定會還以顏色。)

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