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《中英對照讀新聞》Italy's divas goes on hunger strike 義大利女伶絕食抗議

2005/11/19 06:00

◎ 俞智敏

Opera lovers in Italy this season may notice something different about the performers. Many of them are looking distinctly svelte after going on hunger strike to protest about proposed cuts to the country's arts budget. Living on only water, fruit juice and coffee, singers' weights have shrunk.


Barbara Vignudelli, a soprano at the famed La Scala opera house in Milan, has had no solid food for two weeks. 'I feel OK, but I'm dreaming of a mortadella sandwich,’she said. 'I'm doing this to try to shame our politicians. We have one of the most important cultural heritages in the world - it will be a disaster for Italy if these cuts are implemented.’


Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's coalition government has proposed a 35 percent cut to state funding for the arts in the 2006 budget as part of financial measures aimed at reducing Italy's annual deficit.



downsize:裁減(員工)人數;縮小尺寸或規模。如 The company downsized itspersonnel in response to a poor economy.(這家公司精簡人事以因應經濟不景氣)。

shame:在此做動詞,指讓.感到羞愧,如 The number of people out of work hasshamed the government into taking action toprevent further job losses.(失業人口數目多到讓政府感到羞愧,不得不採取行動防止更多工作機會流失)。

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