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《中英對照讀新聞》Microsoft, Ford team up on electric car software 微軟、福特合作開發電動車軟體

2010/06/05 06:00


Microsoft will expand its Hohm consumer energy management software to work with Ford Motor Company electric cars, the two companies announced Wednesday.


With Hohm, future owners of Ford’s electric vehicles will be able to determine when the best times will be to recharge their vehicles at home, executives from the two companies said at a press conference in New York.


As consumers start using electric and hybrid electric vehicles en masse, electric companies will experience surges of power demand in the evenings when people come home from work and plug in their automobiles for recharging, explained Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.


The two companies pledged to work with utilities and municipal power companies so the software can determine when the most affordable times will be for consumers to recharge their vehicles.


Hohm is a Microsoft service that analyzes home electricity usage, suggesting changes for power savings.



team up :片語,(使)結成一隊;合作;協作。例句:The two companies have teamed up to develop a new racing car.(那兩家公司已合作研製新型賽車。)

hybrid:名詞,混合體、(動植物的)雜種。 hybrid car則指使用一種以上動力的車輛,如氣電混合車或油電混合車。

en masse:(法文)片語,全體地;一齊地。例句:Small factories are closing en masse. (小工廠正集體倒閉。)

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