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《中英對照讀新聞》Two Chinese singers fined for lip-synching兩名中國歌手因對嘴假唱而受罰

2010/04/21 06:00


Two Chinese singers have become the first people in the country to fall foul of new rules banning lip-synching nearly two years after widespread criticism of miming at the Beijing Olympics’ opening ceremony.


The two young female singers were spotted lip-synching during a concert in Chengdu city last year, the official Xinhua news agency said.


"No signals were received from their microphones while the show was on," it said. The two have been fined 50,000 yuan each.


Lip-synching, known as "fake singing" in Chinese, burst into the open during 2008’s Beijing Olympics. China’s Olympic organizers were lambasted by Internet users and in the media after they admitted a nine-year-old girl lip-synched during the opening ceremony, in place of the real singer who was rejected because of her appearance.

對嘴,中文意為「假唱」,在2008年北京奧運期間突然被揭露。中國奧運主辦單位在承認一名9歲女孩在開幕典禮中對嘴假唱,以取代因外表而遭拒的真正歌者後 ,引發網友與媒體大加撻伐。

The Culture Ministry then issued an edict formally banning lip-synching and threatened to revoke the performance licenses of repeat offenders.




fall foul of︰冒犯。例句︰If you drive after drinking you would fall foul of the traffic law.(如果你酒後駕車,你將觸犯交通法規。)

lambaste︰鞭抽、嚴責。例句︰Our army lambasted the invaders on the border.(我軍在邊界痛擊入侵者。)

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