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《中英對照讀新聞》Police try to match 250 stolen shoes with owners 警方試圖比對250隻失竊鞋子失主身分

2010/02/09 06:00


Newark police on Monday are trying to match up 250 shoes recovered from a creek on Sunday with those reported stolen in the area since 2003.


A passerby spotted three large duffel bags stuffed with men’s shoes in Elk Creek near Elkton, Md., on Sunday morning and alerted police, who have been investigating a string of Newark-area burglaries in which the thief steals men’s shoes, photographs of their owners and, in at least one case, men’s underwear.


Investigators now are drying off the shoes, which were wet and muddy from the creek, and trying to figure out if they match the descriptions of any of the close to 200 pairs reported stolen in recent years, police spokesman Lt. Brian Henry said Monday.


The burglar appears to target University of Delaware students.



stuff︰名詞指原料、物品,在這裡當動詞用,指塞滿、填滿。例句︰The bus is stuffed with passengers.(這輛巴士擠滿了乘客。)

dry off︰片語,弄乾、烘乾。例句︰The wind dried the ground off.(風吹乾了地面。)

figure out︰片語,弄懂、理解、明白。例句︰I can’t figure out why he said that.(我弄不懂他為什麼要說那句話。)

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