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《中英對照讀新聞》Houston schools ban ’sexting’休士頓學校禁止「色情簡訊」

2009/09/21 06:00


In Houston, Texas, thousands of students are returning to school to discover a new rule:no "sexting" -- the distribution of nude or semi-nude photographs or videos by text message.


"Some principals raised the issue, so we included a provision saying sending, receiving, possessing sexually suggestive messages is forbidden," said Hans Graff, assistant general counsel at the Houston Independent School district.


A recent study found 22 percent of US teenage girls and 18 percent of teenage boys have sent messages or posted images or video online showing them nude or semi-nude.


"A student may be sending pictures to their boyfriend and they break up and he sends it to everybody," said Graff.


Aside from the disruption and trauma the practice can cause, Graff warns that the pictures potentially violate child pornography laws that ban sexually suggestive pictures of underage children.


"Any pictures of an underage child could potentially be child pornography and we are not really interested in seeing students punished criminally," he said.


"We want to put them on notice that it’s just not something that really belongs in school."




raise an issue:片語,提出問題。例句:He raised the issue first and picked up the fight.(他先提出這個問題,挑起戰火的。)

put someone on notice:片語,提醒某人、讓某人注意。例句︰I had put you on notice about these risks.(我提醒過你注意這些風險。)

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