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《中英對照讀新聞》Sudanese woman in trouser case banned from travel蘇丹女子因穿褲而被禁止旅遊

2009/08/25 06:00


Sudan has barred Lubna Hussein, a woman who faces 40 lashes for wearing trousers in violation of decency laws, from travelling abroad.


Hussein said she tried to leave for Lebanon on Tuesday after a television channel asked her to appear in a programme there.


"It emerged when I tried to get an exit visa that my name was on a blacklist," she told Reuters. "There is no way to get out of Sudan."


Hussein was arrested at a party in July and, with 12 other women, charged with being indecently dressed. A former reporter, Hussein has publicised her case, posing in loose trousers for photos and calling journalists to support her.


Her defence lawyer Nabil Abdalla told Reuters that Hussein, who is on bail, should be free to travel. To bar her from travel, he said a court would have to issue a specific order and Hussein would have the right to challenge it.



lash:名詞,指鞭子、鞭打,亦可當動詞用。例句:He gave the prisoner ten lashes.(他抽了囚犯10鞭。)

blacklist:名詞,黑名單。例句:A number of governments around the world have taken steps to avoid being placed on the blacklist.(世界各地許多政府已採取步驟,避免被列入黑名單。)

on bail:片語,交保。例句:There was no reason to suggest Allen would intimidate any witnesses if released on bail.(沒有理由指稱艾倫如果交保獲釋就會恫嚇任何目擊證人。)jump/skip bail指棄保潛逃。

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