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《中英對照讀新聞》NY baseball team celebrates expectant moms at game 紐約棒球隊在比賽中為準媽媽慶祝

2009/08/21 06:00

◎ 張沛元

A New York City minor league baseball team has pulled off an unusual pre-game warmup.


The Brooklyn Cyclones offered a Lamaze class in center field before Sunday night’s game. It was one of the activities as part of the "Bellies and Baseball: A Salute to Pregnancy" event.


Other activities at the theme night for the affiliate of the New York Mets included expectant moms running - or walking - the bases without shoes before the game, women in their third trimesters throwing out ceremonial first pitches and pregnant women singing on the field during the seventh-inning stretch.


There was a craving station consisting of pickles, ice cream and pizza.


The team says any expectant mom who agrees to name her child Brooklyn or Cy gets free season tickets for life.

該棒球隊表示,任何同意將她的孩子命名為「布魯克林」或「 Cy 」的準媽媽,都能獲得終生免費季票。


pull off something:片語,努力實現某事,成功做到某件困難或未料想到的事。例句:Nobody thought that he would be able to do it, but he pulled it off in the end.(沒有人認為他能做到,但他最後還是辦到了。)

belly:名詞,肚皮。諺語,A growing youth has a wolf in his belly,成長中的年輕人肚裡有匹狼,形容發育中的年輕人食量大。

for life:片語,終生。例句:The accident caused him to become handicapped for life.(那件意外導致他終生殘障。)

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