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《中英對照讀新聞》Sexy images hurt your eyesight 清涼照,鈍化眼力

2005/08/31 06:00


Researchers have finally found evidence for what good Catholic boys have known all along – erotic images make you go blind.


According to a report in New Scientist, the research has added to road-safety campaigners' calls to ban sexy billboard-advertising near busy roads, in the hope of preventing accidents.


The new study by US psychologists found that people shown erotic or gory images frequently fail to process images they see immediately afterwards. And the researchers say some personality types appear to be affected more than others by the phenomenon, known as “emotion-induced blindness”.


David Zald, from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and Marvin Chun and colleagues from Yale University, showed hundreds of images to volunteers and asked them to pick a specific image from the rapid sequence.


Most of the images were landscape or architectural scenes, but the psychologists included a few emotionally charged images, portraying violent or sexually provocative scenes.


The closer these emotionally charged images occurred prior to the target image, the more frequently people failed to spot the target image, the researchers found.



all along:一直,向來。He had been afraid of this all along . (他一直害怕會發生這種事。)


go blind:失明。類似用法還有go crazy(發狂)、go wrong(出問題)等。

induce:引起、導致。Her illness was induced by overwork. (她的病是工作過度引起的。)

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