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《中英對照讀新聞》Fat dolphins going on a diet at Japan aquarium 日本水族館胖海豚減肥

2008/10/06 06:00


Dolphins at a Japanese marine park are going on a low fat diet after developing pot bellies and failing to look sharp in their aquatic performances.


Kinosaki Marine World in western Japan said 30th. September that all its 19 dolphins have been on a low fat diet since late August, when they started failing to hit jumping targets and keep upright while treading water.


"We were puzzled by their poor performance, then we noticed they looked rounder," the park said


Keepers measured their weight and found all had gotten plumper, some up to 22 pounds heavier just during the summer.


All had the same menu — about 31 pounds of mackerel mixed with some white fish — but keepers found the mackerels had gotten fattier, adding too many calories for the dolphins.


Now the park are feeding the dolphins more white fish and less fatty mackerels instead, while instituting a routine exercise regime, and it seemed to be working.



pot belly:名詞。水桶肚、鮪魚肚。例句:A pot belly may increase the risk of heart diease, according to a study. (根據一份研究,有水桶肚的人心臟病機率可能比較高。)

on diet﹔動詞。節食、減肥。例句:I’ve been on a low carbs diet for 2 months.(我已經少吃碳水化合物節食兩個月了。)

plump:形容詞。(委婉的形容)肥胖,豐滿。He’s getting plumper after stop jugging every morning. (他每天早上不再慢跑後,變得越來越胖。)

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