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《中英對照讀新聞》Washington transit workers get elocution lessons 華府運輸工作人員上正音課

2005/06/19 06:00


Latter-day Eliza Doolittles, carefully enunciating station stops like “Pentagon” and “L'Enfant Plaza,” joined the first elocution class for workers in Washington's beleaguered transit system.


“I heard a 'T' over there,” class teacher Doris McMillon said severely as the group intoned “L'Enfant Plaza.”


The typical pronunciation for that station on the U.S. capital's Metro trains is “La-font Plaza,” but McMillon, a former television and radio anchor, stressed the French pronunciation, with no final “T” sound: “Lohn-fon Plaza.”


Washington's 29-year-old Metro system gets hundreds of complaints a year, most about delayed trains, but complaints of inaudible or unintelligible train announcements are among the biggest gripes, with 168 registered from April 2004 through March of this year, Metro spokeswoman Candace Smith said.



Elisa Doolittle:伊萊莎‧杜利妥,舞台劇與電影「窈窕淑女」(My Fair Lady)的女主角,為一名口音粗俗的賣花女,經一名語言學家調教後,成為足以躋身上流社會的窈窕名媛。此處被借用來指發音不標準的華府地鐵員工,加s意味很多名發音不標準的「窈窕淑女」(華府地鐵員工)。

beleaguered:形容詞,被包圍的,處於困境的。例句:This school is financially beleaguered.(這所學校有財務問題)。

transit system:運輸系統。例如,台北捷運系統為Taipei rapid transit system。


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