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《中英對照讀新聞》New study finds mobile phones safe and without cancer risk/ 新研究發現手機安全又無致癌風險

2008/06/28 06:00


Germany’s main radiation laboratory has concluded that mobile phones are safe and pose no cancer risk to users, according to a nearly-10-year-long study.


The survey by the Federal Radiation Protection Bureau found no evidence whatever that cellphones, cordless phones or cordless base stations situated next to beds caused brain cancer, headaches or disturbed sleep in adults.


But the scientists said they would like to study the issue longer to make absolutely sure that young children exposed to such electro-magnetic fields did not develop health problems in old age.


The bureau, which employs top radiation scientists, advised parents not to let children keep phones permanently in their clothing until such a risk had been ruled out.


More than 50 German research projects since 2002 were analysed for the report.


In some cases, genetic activity in human cells was observed to change under the influence of radiation, but this did not alter the overall conclusion that the phones were safe.


新聞辭典 Dictionary

situate:動詞,使位於;使處於。例句: The council are trying to decide where to situate the new hospital. (委員會正試圖決定將新醫院建在何處。)

rule out:片語,排除…的可能性。例句:The police have ruled out murder in the case of the girl’s death.(警方已排除少女命案中他殺的可能性。)

under the influence:片語:受到……影響。driving under influence (DUI)則是專有名詞,泛指「神智不清地駕車」,也就是在受到影響的情況下開車,這個影響可以是酒醉、吸毒、藥物等足以使人分心之物。

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