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《中英對照讀新聞》Court warns Italian TV prankster 法院警告義大利電視攪局王

2008/06/23 06:00


Prolific Italian TV prankster and condom advocate Gabriele Paolini faces a prison sentence unless he behaves.


Mr Paolini has made a career of popping up uninvited behind unwitting on-air TV reporters promoting condom use.


Guinness World Records says Mr Paolini is the world’s most successful TV hijacker, interrupting 20,000 link-ups.


But now Italy’s Supreme Court has upheld a three-month suspended sentence on him for interrupting a report on the state broadcaster RAI in June 2001.


The court has also ruled that anyone who deliberately gets onto TV while standing in a public place can commit an offence even if they are silent and immobile.


While Mr Paolini has made a name for himself by bobbing about and generally disrupting reporters’ efforts to be serious, he is more than just an attention-seeker.


He calls himself the prophylactic prophet - not just because his antics often involve condoms, but because he sees his capers as a way of drawing attention to the plight of Aids sufferers. It was the death of a friend from the disease which launched him on his career of disruption.



prankster:名詞,指愛開玩笑的人、惡作劇的人,prank則為惡作劇的行為,如I’ve had enough of your childish pranks.(我受夠了你那些幼稚的惡作劇。)

unwitting:形容詞,指不知情的、無意的,如They kept the truth from their unwitting friends.(他們未把真相告訴不知情的友人。)

prophylactic:形容詞,指預防疾病的,如Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a prophylactic treatment.(有些牙醫相信,在水中加氟以預防蛀牙根本無效。)名詞指預防用藥,在美國尤指保險套。

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