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《中英對照讀新聞》"Lightsaber duel": two critical 「光劍決鬥」:兩重傷

2005/06/02 06:00


Two Star Wars fans are in critical condition after apparently trying to make "lightsabers" by filling fluorescent light tubes with petrol, British media reports say.


Mark Webb, 20, and an unnamed 17-year-old girl are believed to have been filming the mock duel as they poured fuel into two glass tubes and lit it.


The pair were taken to hospital after one of the devices exploded in woodland at Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, on Sunday evening.


A spokeswoman for Hertfordshire Police told the UK's Press Association Tuesday that a third person present at the incident had been questioned. A videotape was found nearby.



critical:形容詞,意指「(病症)危險的」或「病情嚴重的」。例如:an illness at the critical stage 即「病情嚴重」之意。

apparently:意指「顯然」。例句:Promotion based on performance is apparently fairer than seniority.(根據表現提拔員工,顯然比根據年資更公平。)


mock:形容詞,意指「假的」、「模擬的」。例如:a mock battle即「假想戰」,mock exam 則是「模擬考」。

duel:名詞,意指「決鬥」。例句:The man challenged him to a duel.(該名男子嗆聲要與他決鬥。)

pour:動詞,意指「澆」、「倒」。例句:Please pour the water into the glass.(請把水倒進玻璃杯。)

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