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《中英對照讀新聞》 Kisses instead of handshakes ’will help you to stay healthy’ 親吻而非握手「有助保持健康」

2008/01/31 06:00


A kiss on the cheek in greeting might seem a little too continental for some. But if you want to stay healthy it’s time to pucker up.


The continental-style peck on the cheek is far more hygienic than the British handshake, according to health experts.


No matter how clean one person keeps their hands, unfortunately there is just no guarantee that the person on the other end of the greeting maintains such stringent standards.


The greetings advice is backed up by a new study of hand hygiene.


Professor Sally Bloomfield, from the London School of Hygiene, which carried out the research, said:"Shaking hands is the main form of physical contact with each other but you don’t know what the other person has been touching before you greet them. People avoid kissing each other when they have a cold, but in fact they are more likely to pass on an infection by shaking someone’s hand."



pucker︰皺起。例句:Her little mouth puckered up and tears filled her eyes.(她的小嘴一噘,眼淚汪汪。)

back up︰支持。例句:He would have lost his position if you hadn’t backed him up.(假如你當初沒有支持他,他可能已經失去職位了。)請比較back off(退卻,退下)。

pass on︰傳遞。例句:Would you pass it on to the next person?(把它傳給下一個人好嗎?)

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