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《中英對照讀新聞》Japanese woman steals million for imaginary boyfriend: police/警方說︰日本一名女子為想像中的男友盜取百萬美元

2008/01/30 06:00

◎ 魏國金

A Japanese woman allegedly stole a million dollars for her "boyfriend" who had emailed her a picture of a good-looking man but shunned contact in person for years, police and reports said.


Sachiko Tsukada, 30, reportedly met the man on an Internet dating site in late 2001 but had never met him in real life until a lawsuit brought them together in October.


Tsukada, a former accounting official at a transport company, was arrested on theft charges along with her unemployed 32-year-old suitor, Masafumi Hirosawa.


They allegedly "conspired to steal a total of 2.5 million yen by withdrawing money from the company’s bank account five times" in the central city of Nagoya last year, a police spokesman said.


Police are continuing investigations as the total sum of money they stole is believed to be 120 million yen, the official said.


Hirosawa asked her to send him money, saying he needed it for treatment of his sick mother, according to the Yomiuri Shimbun. Tsukada initially sent money from her own bank account or through borrowing but eventually started stealing from the company, it said. He reportedly used the money to fund a life of debauchery.



shun︰(蓄意的或出於習慣的)躲開、迴避。比如,to shun publicity(避免拋頭露面)、to shun society(不愛社交)。

conspire︰共謀、密謀、協力促成。例句︰Bad weather and car trouble conspired to ruin our vacation.(壞天氣加上車子故障,毀了我們的休假。)


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