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中英對照讀新聞/Batman hit by Hong Kong pollution香港的污染打敗蝙蝠俠

2007/11/19 06:00

Batman might cut a superhuman figure as he fights off evil-doers to save the world, but Hong Kong’s polluted harbour is, apparently, one death-defying stunt too far.


Producers shooting the next Batman movie have been forced to cut one scene involving the caped crusader -- played by Christian Bale -- jumping out of a plane into the city’s famed Victoria Harbour.


According to the South China Morning Post, producers felt the poor water quality was just too dangerous for the action hero when shooting for part of the film takes place here.


"There was supposed to be a scene where Batman jumps out of the back of a Hercules C-130 and into Victoria Harbour," one source was quoted as saying. "But when they checked a water sample, they found all sorts of things, salmonella and tuberculosis, so it was cancelled. Now the action will cut to inside a building," the source added.


A spokeswoman for Hong Kong’s Environmental Protection Department admitted that harbour water was not suitable for swimming due to untreated sewage, the newspaper said.



cut a fine figure:指嶄露頭角、儀表堂堂,如The young soldier cut a fine figure in his smart new uniform.(這名年輕士兵穿上嶄新的制服,看起來一表人才。)

fight off:用暴力擊退,如Officials say that villagers have had to fight off several attacks in the past year.(官員說村民去年必須擊退數起攻擊事件。)亦可指除去某事,尤指疾病,Her body couldn’t fight the infection off.(她的身體無法克服感染。)

death-defying:不怕死的、非常危險的,如a death-defying leap from an aircraft(從飛機上驚險地一躍而下)。

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