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中英對照讀新聞》A street in The Hague gets an all-encompassing orange facelift for Euro 2024海牙一條街道為2024年歐洲盃改頭換面變橘色

2024/06/29 05:30



The fluttering of 64 kilometers of orange bunting and a hammer driving a nail into a wall to hold up orange tarps are the sounds of a Dutch summer of soccer in a normally drab suburban street in The Hague.


The Marktweg is one of several streets in the Netherlands that get an all-encompassing orange facelift during European Championships and World Cups when the national team — known as Oranje after the Dutch royal family and the color of their shirts — are looking to add to the Euro it won 36 years ago.


For two months leading up to Euro 2024 that starts on Friday in Germany, a dedicated team of up to 10 volunteers — more in the weekends — has been decorating their street, creating not just an orange overload, but also a sense of community.


Houses are plastered with orange tarps and banners, street lights and trees are wrapped in orange, garbage containers are — you guessed it — orange, while litter bins are red, white and blue, the equally patriotic colors of the Dutch flag.



encompass:動詞,指包含、圍繞、完成。例句:His plan encompasses every possibility.(他的計畫包含了各種可能。)

overload:動詞,指使裝載過重、使負擔過重。名詞,指超載、(電流)過度負荷。例句:We all suffer from information overload. (我們都飽受資訊超載之苦。)

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