中英對照讀新聞》 Brits find US advice on making tea hard to swallow 英國人認為美國人的泡茶建議難以下嚥
Michelle Francl who teaches chemistry at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania says in her new book that salt can rescue an overbrewed cup. "A pinch of salt is not even enough to taste and it turns out salt can moderate your perception of bitterness."
The professor also suggests adding warmed milk and says preheating your mug or teapot is also "crucial" to increase the amount of caffeine and antioxidants released.
In a tongue-in-cheek response, the US embassy in London called the hot beverage the "elixir of camaraderie". The idea of adding salt was "unthinkable" and had "landed our special bond with the United Kingdom in hot water", it said.
"The US embassy will continue to make tea in the proper way - by microwaving it," it added.
That prompted more jollity, this time from Britain’s Cabinet Office. "We appreciate our special relationship, however, we must disagree wholeheartedly. Tea can only be made using a kettle."(AFP)
tongue-in-cheek:形容詞,開玩笑的、說著玩的。例句:Ben said he’s going to quit, but I thought it was tongue-in-cheek.(阿班那時說他不幹了,但我以為那只是玩笑話。)
in hot water:慣用片語,陷入困境、惹上麻煩。例句:Ben found himself in hot water.(阿班發現自己惹上麻煩了。)
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