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中英對照讀新聞》People with tails? No, because of this ancient genetic 有尾巴的人類?之所以沒有是因為這個古代基因

2024/03/10 05:30



Scientists on Wednesday identified what might be the genetic mechanism behind the tailless condition of us and our ape ancestors - a mutation in a gene instrumental in embryonic development.


The researchers compared the DNA of two groups of primates: monkeys, which have tails, and hominoids - humans and apes - which do not. They found a mutation in a gene called TBXT that was present in people and apes but absent in monkeys. To test the effects of this mutation, the researchers genetically modified laboratory mice to have this trait. These mice ended up with either a reduced tail or none at all.


"For the first time, we propose a plausible scenario for the genetic mechanism that led to the loss of the tail in our ancestors. It’s surprising that such a big anatomical change can be caused by such a small genetic change," said New York University Langone Health geneticist and systems biologist Itai Yanai, who helped lead the study published in the journal Nature.



modify:動詞,修改、更改。例句:The movie script was modified so enormously that the story was different from the original.(這部電影劇本經大篇幅修改,使得故事和原版相去甚遠)。

plausible:形容詞,可信的、口若懸河的。例句:Although we didn’t like him, his explanation was quite plausible.(雖然我們不喜歡他,但他的解釋頗具說服力)。

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