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中英對照讀新聞》South Korea passes bill to ban consumption of dog meat南韓通過法案,禁止食用狗肉

2024/01/23 05:30



South Korea’s parliament passed a bill to ban the eating and selling of dog meat, a move that will end the controversial centuries-old practice amid growing support for animal welfare.


Eating dog meat was once seen as a way to improve stamina in the humid Korean summer. But the practise has become rare - largely limited to some older people and specific restaurants - as more Koreans consider dogs as family pets and as criticism of how the dogs are slaughtered has grown.


Support for the ban has grown under President Yoon Suk Yeol, an animal lover who owns six dogs and eight cats with first lady Kim Keon Hee, also a vocal critic of dog meat consumption.


Pet ownership has also climbed over the years. One in four Korean households owned a pet dog in 2022, up from 16% in 2010, government data shows.



controversial:有爭議的。例句:Gun control is a very controversial issue in the United States.(槍枝管制在美國是非常有爭議性的議題)。

vocal:直言不諱的、暢所欲言的。例句:He has been a vocal critic of the government’s energy policies.(他是政府能源政策直言不諱的批評者)。

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